Hello, I am Deepak Sharma from Hyderabad . I am 17 years old frontend , backend developer and UI/ UX designer . I am capable of making things you desire.
I am 17 years old Right now i am doing my B.tech in computer science and Engineering and making interesting projects to push my self a level up.
Deepak Sharma.
October 28,2005
I am a MERN stack developer I am very fluent with web technologies like JavaScript , typescript and always try build things with modern technique to keep my self upto date.
July 2022 - Now
Right now i am doing my B.tech in computer science and engineering from St.Martines enigneering college , Hyderabad and learning new things every day.
July 2020 - 2022
I completed my 12th standard from Loyola Acedemy Junior College , Alwal , Hyderabad in the year 2022 and secured 83%
July 2019 - 2020
I completed my 10th standard in Hyderabd from Gowathem Model School , Suchitra in year 2020 and my CGPA was 10.00
When your audience visits your website, it gives them their first impression of your business. They will judge your business within seconds. In these first few seconds, you want to make a positive impact on your audience.
UX/UI Design plays an essential role in achieving this goal. The UX/UI Design of the application improves the user experience and customer satisfaction that ultimately helps increase the number of users of the specific application.
A well-designed website is essential for reaching a larger audience and generating more leads or customers. Using a website, you can collect and read testimonials about your products and services much more quickly and easily.
A website can be a valuable tool to any business. Planning, developing, and promoting a website properly is the only way to ensure that the website will be successful. The “success” of a website can only be determined by obtaining consistent.
Feel free to send a comment , questions, or collaboration ideas
I live in Hyderabad , Telangana. ZipCode : 500055. For further details please message me on my social media accounts given above.
Hey need my help ? You can contact Me on my Email : deepaksandeep33@gmail.com It may take a while to reply sometimes but I will help you at any cost
You can contact me through my Linkedin account .Do not hesitate to ask me for any kind of help.